Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris Beserta Pembahasan Seputar Toeic,dan Grammar.
Senin, 06 April 2015
A. Reading Comprehesion
Budgeting involves setting financial goals and standards for an enterprise. The primary objective of the budget is to establish a financial faremework for the operations of the bussiness. The accounting period for the budget is usually either the calender year of the fiscal year. As we have noted, the fiscal year is any arbitrarily chosen twelve-mounth period that does not necessarily correspond to the calender year. Many bussinesses have provisions for review and change of the budget more frequently, such as semiannually , quarterly, or even monthly.
A generally accepted budgeting device is a flexible master budget. This budget foresees taht management plns to operate the business at various levels of activity and that all the different activities of the enterpris are included in the financial forecast. Budgets for various sections of the company are gathered together into one overall budget. Then , as the business year progresses management can use the budget as a control device that permits monotoring of the company's operation.
For our discussion, we will talk about a retail trade business. This type of enterprise purchase merchandise , sells those goods, pays its employees and its suppliers, and employs an adminitrative staff. It may also move into new headquarters or expand into new retail outlets. It must account for each activity. This generally accoumplished by means od separate budgets which then can be combined into manner budget.
One of the activity budgets is the sales budget. Information about unit prices,that is, thr prise of one item of each kind of merchandise sold, and the expected sales volume atre the important entries for thi sbudget. If the business sells more than one kind of item, a provision for the sales mix must be added. This, of course, is the mixture of the different kinds and styles of goods sold by of furniture store may sell such goods as rugs, carpeting, or artificial flowers. The sales mix in an American drugstore would be even larger, including not only different kind of medicines, but also magazines, books,stationary,candy, tobacco and so on.
Similar items can be grouped to form a sales department. In the furniture store, one department might include dining roomm furniture and another department might include bedroom furniture. A separate budget is then prepared for each department. Separate budgets may also be related to geographical breakout , that is,different locations of retail outlets. There many also be special budgets for different seasons; in retailing tnis might be the back-to-school period , or winter and summer sports seasons,depending on the kind of merchandise that was sold.
Sales budgets are designed to be both flexible and complete. The sales figure are adjusted for various reasond;some mercahndise is returned for credit; a small but significant volume is unusable because of spoilage or damage; and further adjustment in necessary to account for allowances or discounts. Allowances are special price adjusment for certain customers;discount are the prices that are generally reduced,as when a store has a sale. All of these factors muss be be included in a complete sales budget. During changes in the business cyle,such as inflationary periods or recession, the priciple of flexibility becomes extremely important. Prices are changed and allowances or discount disappear or rise, depending on which change counteracts the adverse factors in business cyle.
B. Special Terminologies
1. Budget ; The financial operating plan or forecast for an organization for fixed period. The budget shows ehat income is anticipated and how the resources will used during the budget period.
2. Master Budget ; The total or separate budgets from different departments within a company that shows in detail how the entire business operate.
3. Financial forecast ; An estimation of what will probably happen in the future, based on past and present fiscal records.
4. Control Device ; A standard plan for the performance of a business by which its operations may be measured and regulated.
5. Retail Trade Business ; A business that acquires goods to sell to the general public. A wholeesale business is a middleman operation that acquires goods from the manufacturer and tehn sells them in turn to the ratailer.
6. Retail Outlet; A unit of the retail bussniess,usually a store.
7. Unite Price ; In the context of retailing, the price at which a single item os dold to the buyer
8. Sales Mix ; The inventory of items avaliable for sale.
9. Geographical Breakout ; Organization of a business on the basis of location.
10. Allowances ; Special Terms of sale granted to specified customers,
11. Discount ; A reduction in yhe price of an item for sale.
12. Inflationary Period ; A period of rising prices in which more money becomes available in relation to fewer goods.
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